Erotic pleasure with her slave girl

Posted in Mistress Hellena on April 19th, 2010 by admin

Erotic pleasure with her slave girl

Mistress Hellena caresses on the soft ass and breasts of her slave girl to enjoy some erotic pleasure with her


Breasts of her Asian slave girl to warm her feet

Posted in Violent Chicks on April 14th, 2010 by admin

Breasts of her Asian slave girl to warm her feet

Mistress Eris always looks forward to getting home early so she can rest her bare feet on the soft breasts of her Asian slave girl to warm her feet

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Submissive greetings to Mistress Tempest

Posted in Royal Mistress on April 10th, 2010 by admin

Submissive greetings to Mistress Tempest

Mistress Tempest expects royalty treatment from her slave girl Sybil when she comes back home from a ball, she expects her slave girl to rush forward, down on her knees and kiss her tired feet

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Mistress Amelia enjoys seeing her slave girl eat from her feet

Posted in Extreme Foot Dom on April 9th, 2010 by admin

Mistress Amelia enjoys seeing her slave girl eat from her feet

Mistress Amelia loves watching her humiliated slave girl eating her meal from in between her toes as a after dinner entertainment for her

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Slave girl greeting Mistress Eve at her feet

Posted in Royal Mistress on April 8th, 2010 by admin

Slave girl greeting Mistress Eve at her feet

The royal Mistress Eve is back home from a tired day of events and her slave girl sybil drops to her knees to greet and worship on her Mistress’s feet

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Maids to serve the Ladies upon awakening

Posted in Mistress Hellena on April 7th, 2010 by admin

Maids to serve the Ladies upon awakening

The Ladies wouldn’t be getting up from their bed until their maids have done all that’s needed to dress up their Ladies putting on their clothes and shoes

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Tongue in between the toes of Paris Kennedy

Posted in Footdom United on April 7th, 2010 by admin

Tongue in between the toes of Paris Kennedy

Paris Kennedy is really pleased with the servitude of her foot slave girl as she gets her tongue in between her toes to clean them up thorough after sweating her feet in her pair of latex boots at photo shoots all day day

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Sushi servitude on the body of her slave girl

Posted in The English Mansion on April 5th, 2010 by admin

Sushi servitude on the body of her slave girl

Mistress Sidonia and Nina Birch sure knows what it is to enjoy life when they have a stable of slaves and gets a nice sushi dinner served on the body of their slave girl

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Not to used to being too superior

Posted in Extreme Foot Dom on April 4th, 2010 by admin

Not to used to being to superior

Mistress Tiffany has just started her domination adventures and already has 2 female foot slaves under her feet as she puts them into her mouth for a tongue, but it takes a little getting used to being so superior

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Maid to lick Mistress Sammie’s shoes clean

Posted in Royal Mistress on April 2nd, 2010 by admin

Maid to lick Mistress Sammie's shoes clean

Mistress Sammie has her slave maid to assist her in the dress up before she goes outdoors, but the shoes on her feet needs to shine and she clicks on her fingers to signal her maid down on her knees to lick her shoes clean

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